
Tuesday 28 May 2024, by 63F09 // CPU 63F09

Warning: in 63F09 mode (32 bits), there is no 0 or Z (zero) register. Nevertheless, in 6309 mode (16 bits), Z is usable with EXG and TFR opcodes.

In 63F09 mode, EXG and TFR operands are modified to exchange or transfer new Q and DS registers.

|                                      |
|  Opcode      Mnemonic       Mode     |
| (* 6309)                             |
| (# 63F09)                            |
| (% 6309 only)                        |
|    00          NEG        Direct     |
|  * 01          OIM        Direct     |
|  * 02          AIM        Direct     |
|    03          COM        Direct     |
|    04          LSR        Direct     |
|  * 05          EIM        Direct     |
|    06          ROR        Direct     |
|    07          ASR        Direct     |
|    08          ASL/LSL    Direct     |
|    09          ROL        Direct     |
|    0A          DEC        Direct     |
|  * 0B          TIM        Direct     |
|    0C          INC        Direct     |
|    0D          TST        Direct     |
|    0E          JMP        Direct     |
|    0F          CLR        Direct     |
|    10          (PREBYTE)             |
|    11          (PREBYTE)             |
|    12          NOP        Inherent   |
|    13          SYNC       Inherent   |
|  * 14          SEXW       Inherent   |
|    15          HCF                   |
|    16          LBRA       Relative   |
|    17          LBSR       Relative   |
|    18          (PREBYTE FPU)         |
|    19          DAA        Inherent   |
|    1A          ORCC       Immediate  |
|    1B          (PREBYTE)             |
|    1C          ANDCC      Immediate  |
|    1D          SEX        Inherent   |
|    1E          EXG        Immediate  |
|    1F          TFR        Immediate  |

|    20          BRA        Relative   |
|    21          BRN        Relative   |
|    22          BHI        Relative   |
|    23          BLS        Relative   |
|    24          BHS/BCC    Relative   |
|    25          BLO/BCS    Relative   |
|    26          BNE        Relative   |
|    27          BEQ        Relative   |
|    28          BVC        Relative   |
|    29          BVS        Relative   |
|    2A          BPL        Relative   |
|    2B          BMI        Relative   |
|    2C          BGE        Relative   |
|    2D          BLT        Relative   |
|    2E          BGT        Relative   |
|    2F          BLE        Relative   |
|    30          LEAX       Indexed    |
|    31          LEAY       Indexed    |
|    32          LEAS       Indexed    |
|    33          LEAU       Indexed    |
|    34          PSHS       Immediate  |
|    35          PULS       Immediate  |
|    36          PSHU       Immediate  |
|    37          PULU       Immediate  |
| #  38          ENI        Inherent   |    unmask all interrupts
|    39          RTS        Inherent   |
|    3A          ABX        Inherent   |
|    3B          RTI        Inherent   |
|    3C          CWAI       Immediate  |    mask in 8 bits for 6809/6309, 32 bits for 63F09.
|    3D          MUL        Inherent   |
| #  3E          DII        Inherent   |    mask all interrupts
|    3F          SWI        Inherent   |

|    40          NEGA       Inherent   |
|    41                                |
|    42                                |
|    43          COMA       Inherent   |
|    44          LSRA       Inherent   |
|    45                                |
|    46          RORA       Inherent   |
|    47          ASRA       Inherent   |
|    48          ASLA/LSLA  Inherent   |
|    49          ROLA       Inherent   |
|    4A          DECA       Inherent   |
|    4B                                |
|    4C          INCA       Inherent   |
|    4D          TSTA       Inherent   |
|    4E                                |
|    4F          CLRA       Inherent   |
|    50          NEGB       Inherent   |
|    51                                |
|    52                                |
|    53          COMB       Inherent   |
|    54          LSRB       Inherent   |
|    55                                |
|    56          RORB       Inherent   |
|    57          ASRB       Inherent   |
|    58          ASLB/LSLB  Inherent   |
|    59          ROLB       Inherent   |
|    5A          DECB       Inherent   |
|    5B                                |
|    5C          INCB       Inherent   |
|    5D          TSTB       Inherent   |
|    5E                                |
|    5F          CLRB       Inherent   |

|    60          NEG        Indexed    |
|  * 61          OIM        Indexed    |
|  * 62          AIM        Indexed    |
|    63          COM        Indexed    |
|    64          LSR        Indexed    |
|  * 65          EIM        Indexed    |
|    66          ROR        Indexed    |
|    67          ASR        Indexed    |
|    68          ASL/LSL    Indexed    |
|    69          ROL        Indexed    |
|    6A          DEC        Indexed    |
|  * 6B          TIM        Indexed    |
|    6C          INC        Indexed    |
|    6D          TST        Indexed    |
|    6E          JMP        Indexed    |
|    6F          CLR        Indexed    |
|    70          NEG        Extended   |
|  * 71          OIM        Extended   |
|  * 72          AIM        Extended   |
|    73          COM        Extended   |
|    74          LSR        Extended   |
|  * 75          EIM        Extended   |
|    76          ROR        Extended   |
|    77          ASR        Extended   |
|    78          ASL/LSL    Extended   |
|    79          ROL        Extended   |
|    7A          DEC        Extended   |
|  * 7B          TIM        Extended   |
|    7C          INC        Extended   |
|    7D          TST        Extended   |
|    7E          JMP        Extended   |
|    7F          CLR        Extended   |

|    80          SUBA       Immediate  |
|    81          CMPA       Immediate  |
|    82          SBCA       Immediate  |
|    83          SUBD       Immediate  |
|    84          ANDA       Immediate  |
|    85          BITA       Immediate  |
|    86          LDA        Immediate  |
|    87                                |
|    88          EORA       Immediate  |
|    89          ADCA       Immediate  |
|    8A          ORA        Immediate  |
|    8B          ADDA       Immediate  |
|    8C          CMPX       Immediate  |
|    8D          BSR        Relative   |
|    8E          LDX        Immediate  |
|    8F                                |
|    90          SUBA       Direct     |
|    91          CMPA       Direct     |
|    92          SBCA       Direct     |
|    93          SUBD       Direct     |
|    94          ANDA       Direct     |
|    95          BITA       Direct     |
|    96          LDA        Direct     |
|    97          STA        Direct     |
|    98          EORA       Direct     |
|    99          ADCA       Direct     |
|    9A          ORA        Direct     |
|    9B          ADDA       Direct     |
|    9C          CMPX       Direct     |
|    9D          JSR        Direct     |
|    9E          LDX        Direct     |
|    9F          STX        Direct     |

|    A0          SUBA       Indexed    |
|    A1          CMPA       Indexed    |
|    A2          SBCA       Indexed    |
|    A3          SUBD       Indexed    |
|    A4          ANDA       Indexed    |
|    A5          BITA       Indexed    |
|    A6          LDA        Indexed    |
|    A7          STA        Indexed    |
|    A8          EORA       Indexed    |
|    A9          ADCA       Indexed    |
|    AA          ORA        Indexed    |
|    AB          ADDA       Indexed    |
|    AC          CMPX       Indexed    |
|    AD          JSR        Indexed    |
|    AE          LDX        Indexed    |
|    AF          STX        Indexed    |
|    B0          SUBA       Extended   |
|    B1          CMPA       Extended   |
|    B2          SBCA       Extended   |
|    B3          SUBD       Extended   | 
|    B4          ANDA       Extended   |
|    B5          BITA       Extended   |
|    B6          LDA        Extended   |
|    B7          STA        Extended   | 
|    B8          EORA       Extended   |
|    B9          ADCA       Extended   |
|    BA          ORA        Extended   |
|    BB          ADDA       Extended   |
|    BC          CMPX       Extended   | 
|    BD          JSR        Extended   | 
|    BE          LDX        Extended   | 
|    BF          STX        Extended   |

|    C0          SUBB       Immediate  |
|    C1          CMPB       Immediate  |
|    C2          SBCB       Immediate  |
|    C3          ADDD       Immediate  |
|    C4          ANDB       Immediate  |
|    C5          BITB       Immediate  |
|    C6          LDB        Immediate  | 
|    C7                                |
|    C8          EORB       Immediate  |
|    C9          ADCB       Immediate  |
|    CA          ORB        Immediate  |
|    CB          ADDB       Immediate  |
|    CC          LDD        Immediate  | 
|  * CD          LDQ        Immediate  | 
|    CE          LDU        Immediate  | 
|    CF                                |
|    D0          SUBB       Direct     |
|    D1          CMPB       Direct     |
|    D2          SBCB       Direct     |
|    D3          ADDD       Direct     |
|    D4          ANDB       Direct     |
|    D5          BITB       Direct     |
|    D6          LDB        Direct     |
|    D7          STB        Direct     | 
|    D8          EORB       Direct     |
|    D9          ADCB       Direct     |
|    DA          ORB        Direct     |
|    DB          ADDB       Direct     |
|    DC          LDD        Direct     |
|    DD          STD        Direct     |
|    DE          LDU        Direct     |
|    DF          STU        Direct     |

|    E0          SUBB       Indexed    |
|    E1          CMPB       Indexed    |
|    E2          SBCB       Indexed    |
|    E3          ADDD       Indexed    |
|    E4          ANDB       Indexed    |
|    E5          BITB       Indexed    |
|    E6          LDB        Indexed    |
|    E7          STB        Indexed    |
|    E8          EORB       Indexed    |
|    E9          ADCB       Indexed    |
|    EA          ORB        Indexed    |
|    EB          ADDB       Indexed    |
|    EC          LDD        Indexed    |
|    ED          STD        Indexed    |
|    EE          LDU        Indexed    |
|    EF          STU        Indexed    |
|    F0          SUBB       Extended   |
|    F1          CMPB       Extended   |
|    F2          SBCB       Extended   |
|    F3          ADDD       Extended   |
|    F4          ANDB       Extended   |
|    F5          BITB       Extended   |
|    F6          LDB        Extended   |
|    F7          STB        Extended   |
|    F8          EORB       Extended   |
|    F9          ADCB       Extended   |
|    FA          ORB        Extended   |
|    FB          ADDB       Extended   |
|    FC          LDD        Extended   |
|    FD          STD        Extended   |
|    FE          LDU        Extended   |
|    FF          STU        Extended   |
|    1020                              |
|    1021        LBRN       Relative   |
|    1022        LBHI       Relative   |
|    1023        LBLS       Relative   |
|    1024        LBHS/LBCC  Relative   |
|    1025        LBCS/LBLO  Relative   |
|    1026        LBNE       Relative   |
|    1027        LBEQ       Relative   |
|    1028        LBVC       Relative   |
|    1029        LBVS       Relative   |
|    102A        LBPL       Relative   |
|    102B        LBMI       Relative   |
|    102C        LBGE       Relative   |
|    102D        LBLT       Relative   |
|    102E        LBGT       Relative   |
|    102F        LBLE       Relative   |
|  * 1030        ADDR       Register   |
|  * 1031        ADCR       Register   |
|  * 1032        SUBR       Register   |
|  * 1033        SBCR       Register   |
|  * 1034        ANDR       Register   |
|  * 1035        ORR        Register   |
|  * 1036        EORR       Register   |
|  * 1037        CMPR       Register   |
|  % 1038        PSHSW      Register   |
|  % 1039        PULSW      Register   |
|  % 103A        PSHUW      Register   |
|  % 103B        PULUW      Register   |
|    103C                              |
|    103D                              |
|    103E                              |
|    103F        SWI2       Inherent   |

|  * 1040        NEGD       Inherent   |
|  # 1041        ANDW       Immediate  |
|  # 1042        ORW        Immediate  |
|  * 1043        COMD       Inherent   |
|  * 1044        LSRD       Inherent   |
|  # 1045        EORW       Immediate  |   
|  * 1046        RORD       Inherent   |
|  * 1047        ASRD       Inherent   |
|  * 1048        ASLD/LSLD  Inherent   |
|  * 1049        ROLD       Inherent   |
|  * 104A        DECD       Inherent   |
|  # 104B        ADCW       Immediate  |   
|  * 104C        INCD       Inherent   |
|  * 104D        TSTD       Inherent   |
|  # 104E        SBCW       Immediate  |
|  * 104F        CLRD       Inherent   |
|  # 1050        NEGW       Inherent   |
|  # 1051        ANDW       Direct     |
|  # 1052        ORW        Direct     |
|  * 1053        COMW       Inherent   |
|  * 1054        LSRW       Inherent   |
|  # 1055        EORW       Direct     |
|  * 1056        RORW       Inherent   |
|  # 1057        ASRW       Inherent   |
|  # 1058        ASLW/LSLW  Inherent   |
|  * 1059        ROLW       Inherent   |
|  * 105A        DECW       Inherent   |
|  # 105B        ADCW       Direct     |
|  * 105C        INCW       Inherent   |
|  * 105D        TSTW       Inherent   |
|  # 105E        SBCW       Direct     |
|  * 105F        CLRW       Inherent   |
|  # 1060        NEGQ       Inherent   |
|  # 1061        ANDW       Indexed    |
|  # 1062        ORW        Indexed    |
|  # 1063        COMQ       Inherent   |
|  # 1064        LSRQ       Inherent   |
|  # 1065        EORW       Indexed    |   
|  # 1066        RORQ       Inherent   |
|  # 1067        ASRQ       Inherent   |
|  # 1068        ASLQ/LSLQ  Inherent   |
|  # 1069        ROLQ       Inherent   |
|  # 106A        DECQ       Inherent   |
|  # 106B        ADCW       Indexed    |   
|  # 106C        INCQ       Inherent   |
|  # 106D        TSTQ       Inherent   |
|  # 106E        SBCW       Indexed    |
|  # 106F        CLRQ       Inherent   |

|  # 1070        NEGV       Inherent   |
|  # 1071        ANDW       Extended   |
|  # 1072        ORW        Extended   |
|  # 1073        COMV       Inherent   |
|  # 1074        LSRV       Inherent   |
|  # 1075        EORW       Extended   |
|  # 1076        RORV       Inherent   |
|  # 1077        ASRV       Inherent   |
|  # 1078        ASLV/LSLV  Inherent   |
|  # 1079        ROLV       Inherent   |
|  # 107A        DECV       Inherent   |
|  # 107B        ADCW       Extended   |
|  # 107C        INCV       Inherent   |
|  # 107D        TSTV       Inherent   |
|  # 107E        SBCW       Extended   |
|  # 107F        CLRV       Inherent   |

|  * 1080        SUBW       Immediate  |
|  * 1081        CMPW       Immediate  |
|  * 1082        SBCD       Immediate  |
|    1083        CMPD       Immediate  |
|  * 1084        ANDD       Immediate  |
|  * 1085        BITD       Immediate  |
|  * 1086        LDW        Immediate  |
|    1087                              |
|  * 1088        EORD       Immediate  |
|  * 1089        ADCD       Immediate  |
|  * 108A        ORD        Immediate  |
|  * 108B        ADDW       Immediate  |
|    108C        CMPY       Immediate  |
|  # 108D        BITW       Immediate  |
|    108E        LDY        Immediate  |
|    108F                              |

|  * 1090        SUBW       Direct     |
|  * 1091        CMPW       Direct     |
|  * 1092        SBCD       Direct     |
|    1093        CMPD       Direct     |
|  * 1094        ANDD       Direct     |
|  * 1095        BITD       Direct     |
|  * 1096        LDW        Direct     |
|  * 1097        STW        Direct     |
|  * 1098        EORD       Direct     |
|  * 1099        ADCD       Direct     |
|  * 109A        ORD        Direct     |
|  * 109B        ADDW       Direct     |
|    109C        CMPY       Direct     |
|    109D        BITW       Direct     |
|    109E        LDY        Direct     |
|    109F        STY        Direct     |
|  * 10A0        SUBW       Indexed    |
|  * 10A1        CMPW       Indexed    |
|  * 10A2        SBCD       Indexed    |
|    10A3        CMPD       Indexed    |
|  * 10A4        ANDD       Indexed    |
|  * 10A5        BITD       Indexed    |
|  * 10A6        LDW        Indexed    |
|  * 10A7        STW        Indexed    |
|  * 10A8        EORD       Indexed    |
|  * 10A9        ADCD       Indexed    |
|  * 10AA        ORD        Indexed    |
|  * 10AB        ADDW       Indexed    |
|    10AC        CMPY       Indexed    |
|  # 10AD        BITW       Indexed    |
|    10AE        LDY        Indexed    |
|    10AF        STY        Indexed    |

|  * 10B0        SUBW       Extended   |
|  * 10B1        CMPW       Extended   |
|  * 10B2        SBCD       Extended   |
|    10B3        CMPD       Extended   |
|  * 10B4        ANDD       Extended   |
|  * 10B5        BITD       Extended   |
|  * 10B6        LDW        Extended   |
|  * 10B7        STW        Extended   |
|  * 10B8        EORD       Extended   |
|  * 10B9        ADCD       Extended   |
|  * 10BA        ORD        Extended   |
|  * 10BB        ADDW       Extended   |
|    10BC        CMPY       Extended   |
|  # 10BD        BITW       Extended   |
|    10BE        LDY        Extended   |
|    10BF        STY        Extended   |
|  # 10C0        ANDQ       Immediate  |
|  # 10C1        BITQ       Immediate  |
|  # 10C2        EORQ       Immediate  |
|  # 10C3        ORQ        Immediate  |
|  # 10C6        LDDP       Immediate  |
|  # 10C8        LDDS       Immediate  |
|  # 10CA        LDV        Immediate  |
|    10CE        LDS        Immediate  |
|  # 10D0        ANDQ       Direct     |
|  # 10D1        BITQ       Direct     |
|  # 10D2        EORQ       Direct     |
|  # 10D3        ORQ        Direct     |
|  # 10D6        LDDP       Direct     |
|  # 10D7        STDP       Direct     |
|  # 10D8        LDDS       Direct     |
|  # 10D9        STDS       Direct     |
|  # 10DA        LDV        Direct     |
|  # 10DB        STV        Direct     |
|  * 10DC        LDQ        Direct     |
|  * 10DD        STQ        Direct     |
|    10DE        LDS        Direct     |
|    10DF        STS        Direct     |
|  # 10E0        ANDQ       Indexed    |
|  # 10E1        BITQ       Indexed    |
|  # 10E2        EORQ       Indexed    |
|  # 10E3        ORQ        Indexed    |
|  # 10E6        LDDP       Indexed    |
|  # 10E7        STDP       Indexed    |
|  # 10E8        LDDS       Indexed    |
|  # 10E9        STDS       Indexed    |
|  # 10EA        LDV        Indexed    |
|  # 10EB        STV        Indexed    |
|  * 10EC        LDQ        Indexed    |
|  * 10ED        STQ        Indexed    |
|    10EE        LDS        Indexed    |
|    10EF        STS        Indexed    |
|  # 10F0        ANDQ       Extended   |
|  # 10F1        BITQ       Extended   |
|  # 10F2        EORQ       Extended   |
|  # 10F3        ORQ        Extended   |
|  # 10F6        LDDP       Extended   |
|  # 10F7        STDP       Extended   |
|  # 10F8        LDDS       Extended   |
|  # 10F9        STDS       Extended   |
|  # 10FA        LDV        Extended   |
|  # 10FB        STV        Extended   |
|  * 10FC        LDQ        Extended   |
|  * 10FD        STQ        Extended   |
|    10FE        LDS        Extended   |
|    10FF        STS        Extended   |

|  * 1130        BAND       Memory     |
|  * 1131        BIAND      Memory     |
|  * 1132        BOR        Memory     |
|  * 1133        BIOR       Memory     |
|  * 1134        BEOR       Memory     |
|  * 1135        BIEOR      Memory     |
|  * 1136        LDBT       Memory     |
|  * 1137        STBT       Memory     |
|  * 1138        TFM R+,R+  Register   |
|  * 1139        TFM R-,R-  Register   |
|  * 113A        TFM R+,R   Register   |
|  * 113B        TFM R,R+   Register   |
|  * 113C        BITMD      Immediate  |
|  * 113D        LDMD       Immediate  |
|    113E                              |
|    113F        SWI3       Inherent   |

|  # 1140        NEGE       Inherent   |
|  # 1141        ADDV       Immediate  |
|  # 1142        SUBV       Immediate  |
|  * 1143        COME       Inherent   |
|  # 1144        LSRE       Inherent   |
|  # 1145        CMPV       Immediate  |
|  # 1146        RORE       Inherent   |
|  # 1147        ASRE       Inherent   |
|  # 1148        ASLE/LSLE  Inherent   |
|  # 1149        ROLE       Inherent   |
|  * 114A        DECE       Inherent   |
|  # 114B        ADCV       Immediate  |
|  * 114C        INCE       Inherent   |
|  * 114D        TSTE       Inherent   |
|  # 114E        SBCV       Immediate  |
|  * 114F        CLRE       Inherent   |
|  # 1150        NEGF       Inherent   |
|  # 1151        ADDV       Direct     |
|  # 1152        SUBV       Direct     |
|  * 1153        COMF       Inherent   |
|  # 1154        LSRF       Inherent   |
|  # 1155        CMPV       Direct     |
|  # 1156        RORF       Inherent   |
|  # 1157        ASRF       Inherent   |
|  # 1158        ASLF/LSLF  Inherent   |
|  # 1159        ROLF       Inherent   |
|  * 115A        DECF       Inherent   |
|  # 115B        ADCV       Direct     |
|  * 115C        INCF       Inherent   |
|  * 115D        TSTF       Inherent   |
|  # 115E        SBCV       Direct     |
|  * 115F        CLRF       Inherent   |

|  # 1161        ADDV       Indexed    |
|  # 1162        SUBV       Indexed    |
|  # 1165        CMPV       Indexed    |
|  # 116B        ADCV       Indexed    |
|  # 116E        SBCV       Indexed    |

|  # 1171        ADDV       Extended   |
|  # 1172        SUBV       Extended   |
|  # 1175        CMPV       Extended   |
|  # 117B        ADCV       Extended   |
|  # 117E        SBCV       Extended   |

|  * 1180        SUBE       Immediate  |
|  * 1181        CMPE       Immediate  |
|  # 1182        SBCE       Immediate  |
|    1183        CMPU       Immediate  |
|  # 1184        ANDE       Immediate  |
|  # 1185        BITE       Immediate  |
|  * 1186        LDE        Immediate  |
|    1187                              |
|  # 1188        EORE       Immediate  |
|  # 1189        ADCE       Immediate  |
|  # 118A        ORE        Immediate  |
|  * 118B        ADDE       Immediate  |
|    118C        CMPS       Immediate  |
|  * 118D        DIVD       Immediate  |
|  * 118E        DIVQ       Immediate  |
|  * 118F        MULD       Immediate  |
|  * 1190        SUBE       Direct     |
|  * 1191        CMPE       Direct     |
|  # 1192        SBCE       Direct     |
|    1193        CMPU       Direct     |
|  # 1194        ANDE       Direct     |
|  # 1195        BITE       Direct     |
|  * 1196        LDE        Direct     |
|  * 1197        STE        Direct     |
|  # 1198        EORE       Direct     |
|  # 1199        ADCE       Direct     |
|  # 119A        ORE        Direct     |
|  * 119B        ADDE       Direct     |
|    119C        CMPS       Direct     |
|  * 119D        DIVD       Direct     |
|  * 119E        DIVQ       Direct     |
|  * 119F        MULD       Direct     |
|  * 11A0        SUBE       Indexed    |
|  * 11A1        CMPE       Indexed    |
|  # 11A2        SBCE       Indexed    |
|    11A3        CMPU       Indexed    |
|  # 11A4        ANDE       Indexed    |
|  # 11A5        BITE       Indexed    |
|  * 11A6        LDE        Indexed    |
|  * 11A7        STE        Indexed    |
|  # 11A8        EORE       Indexed    |
|  # 11A9        ADCE       Indexed    |
|  # 11AA        ORE        Indexed    |
|  * 11AB        ADDE       Indexed    |
|    11AC        CMPS       Indexed    |
|  * 11AD        DIVD       Indexed    |
|  * 11AE        DIVQ       Indexed    |
|  * 11AF        MULD       Indexed    |

|  * 11B0        SUBE       Extended   |
|  * 11B1        CMPE       Extended   |
|  # 11B2        SBCE       Extended   |
|    11B3        CMPU       Extended   |
|  # 11B4        ANDE       Extended   |
|  # 11B5        BITE       Extended   |
|  * 11B6        LDE        Extended   |
|  * 11B7        STE        Extended   |
|  # 11B8        EORE       Extended   |
|  # 11B9        ADCE       Extended   |
|  # 11BA        ORE        Extended   |
|  * 11BB        ADDE       Extended   |
|    11BC        CMPS       Extended   |
|  * 11BD        DIVD       Extended   |
|  * 11BE        DIVQ       Extended   |
|  * 11BF        MULD       Extended   |
|  * 11C0        SUBF       Immediate  |
|  * 11C1        CMPF       Immediate  |
|  # 11C2        SBCF       Immediate  |
|  # 11C3        SUBQ       Immediate  |
|  # 11C4        ANDF       Immediate  |
|  # 11C5        BITF       Immediate  |
|  * 11C6        LDF        Immediate  |
|  # 11C7                              |
|  # 11C8        EORF       Immediate  |
|  # 11C9        ADCF       Immediate  |
|  # 11CA        ORF        Immediate  |
|  * 11CB        ADDF       Immediate  |
|  # 11CC        SBCQ       Immediate  |
|  # 11CD        DIVDU      Immediate  |
|  # 11CE        DIVQU      Immediate  |
|  # 11CF        MULDU      Immediate  |

|  * 11D0        SUBF       Direct     |
|  * 11D1        CMPF       Direct     |
|  # 11D2        SBCF       Direct     |
|  # 11D3        SUBQ       Direct     |
|  # 11D4        ANDF       Direct     |
|  # 11D5        BITF       Direct     |
|  * 11D6        LDF        Direct     |
|  * 11D7        STF        Direct     |
|  # 11D8        EORF       Direct     |
|  # 11D9        ADCF       Direct     |
|  # 11DA        ORF        Direct     |
|  * 11DB        ADDF       Direct     |
|  # 11DC        SBCQ       Direct     |
|  # 11DD        DIVDU      Direct     |
|  # 11DE        DIVQU      Direct     |
|  # 11DF        MULDU      Direct     |
|  * 11E0        SUBF       Indexed    |
|  * 11E1        CMPF       Indexed    |
|  # 11E2        SBCF       Indexed    |
|  # 11E3        SUBQ       Indexed    |
|  # 11E4        ANDF       Indexed    |
|  # 11E5        BITF       Indexed    |
|  * 11E6        LDF        Indexed    |
|  * 11E7        STF        Indexed    |
|  # 11E8        EORF       Indexed    |
|  # 11E9        ADCF       Indexed    |
|  # 11EA        ORF        Indexed    |
|  * 11EB        ADDF       Indexed    |
|  # 11EC        SBCQ       Indexed    |
|  # 11ED        DIVDU      Indexed    |
|  # 11EE        DIVQU      Indexed    |
|  # 11EF        MULDU      Indexed    |
|  * 11F0        SUBF       Extended   |
|  * 11F1        CMPF       Extended   |
|  # 11F2        SBCF       Extended   |
|  # 11F3        SUBQ       Extended   |
|  # 11F4        ANDF       Extended   |
|  # 11F5        BITF       Extended   |
|  * 11F6        LDF        Extended   |
|  * 11F7        STF        Extended   |
|  # 11F8        EORF       Extended   |
|  # 11F9        ADCF       Extended   |
|  # 11FA        ORF        Extended   |
|  * 11FB        ADDF       Extended   |
|  # 11FC        SBCQ       Extended   |
|  # 11FD        DIVDU      Extended   |
|  # 11FE        DIVQU      Extended   |
|  # 11FF        MULDU      Extended   |

|  # 1B40        NEGO       Inherent   |
|  # 1B41                              |
|  # 1B42                              |
|  # 1B43        COMO       Inherent   |
|  # 1B44        LSRO       Inherent   |
|  # 1B45                              |
|  # 1B46        RORO       Inherent   |
|  # 1B47        ASRO       Inherent   |
|  # 1B48        ASLO/LSLO  Inherent   |
|  # 1B49        ROLO       Inherent   |
|  # 1B4A        DECO       Inherent   |
|  # 1B4B                              |
|  # 1B4C        INCO       Inherent   |
|  # 1B4D        TSTO       Inherent   |
|  # 1B4E        SEXV       Inherent   |
|  # 1B4F        CLRO       Inherent   |

|  # 1B80        SUBO       Immediate  |
|  # 1B81        CMPO       Immediate  |
|  # 1B82        SBCO       Immediate  |
|                                      |
|  # 1B84        ANDO       Immediate  |
|  # 1B85        BITO       Immediate  |
|  # 1B86        LDO        Immediate  |
|                                      | 
|  # 1B88        EORO       Immediate  | 
|  # 1B89        ADCO       Immediate  | 
|  # 1B8A        ORO        Immediate  | 
|  # 1B8B        ADDO       Immediate  | 
|  # 1B8C        MULQ       Immediate  | 
|  # 1B8D        DIVO       Immediate  |
|  # 1B8E        DIVOU      Immediate  |
|  # 1B8F        MULQU      Immediate  |

|  # 1B90        SUBO       Direct     |
|  # 1B91        CMPO       Direct     |
|  # 1B92        SBCO       Direct     |
|                                      |
|  # 1B94        ANDO       Direct     |
|  # 1B95        BITO       Direct     |
|  # 1B96        LDO        Direct     |
|  # 1B97        STO        Direct     |
|  # 1B98        EORO       Direct     |
|  # 1B99        ADCO       Direct     |
|  # 1B9A        ORO        Direct     |
|  # 1B9B        ADDO       Direct     |
|  # 1B9C        MULQ       Direct     |
|  # 1B9D        DIVO       Direct     |
|  # 1B9E        DIVOU      Direct     |
|  # 1B9F        MULQU      Direct     |


|  # 1BA0        SUBO       Indexed    |
|  # 1BA1        CMPO       Indexed    |
|  # 1BA2        SBCO       Indexed    |
|  # 1BA4        ANDO       Indexed    |
|  # 1BA5        BITO       Indexed    |
|  # 1BA6        LDO        Indexed    |
|  # 1BA7        STO        Indexed    |
|  # 1BA8        EORO       Indexed    |
|  # 1BA9        ADCO       Indexed    |
|  # 1BAA        ORO        Indexed    |
|  # 1BAB        ADDO       Indexed    |
|  # 1BAC        MULQ       Indexed    |
|  # 1BAD        DIVO       Indexed    |
|  # 1BAE        DIVOU      Indexed    |
|  # 1BAF        MULQU      Indexed    |

|  # 1BB0        SUBO       Extended   |
|  # 1BB1        CMPO       Extended   |
|  # 1BB2        SBCO       Extended   |
|                                      |
|  # 1BB4        ANDO       Extended   |
|  # 1BB5        BITO       Extended   |
|  # 1BB6        LDO        Extended   |
|  # 1BB7        STO        Extended   |
|  # 1BB8        EORO       Extended   |
|  # 1BB9        ADCO       Extended   |
|  # 1BBA        ORO        Extended   |
|  # 1BBB        ADDO       Extended   |
|  # 1BBC        MULQ       Extended   |
|  # 1BBD        DIVO       Extended   |
|  # 1BBE        DIVOU      Extended   |
|  # 1BBF        MULQU      Extended   |

|  # 1BC0        ANDV       Immediate  |
|  # 1BC1        BITV       Immediate  |
|  # 1BC2        EORV       Immediate  |
|  # 1BC3        ORV        Immediate  |
|  # 1BC8        MULOU      Immediate  |
|  # 1BC9        MULO       Immediate  |
|  # 1BCD        ADCQ       Immediate  |
|  # 1BCE        CMPQ       Immediate  |
|  # 1BCF        ADDQ       Immediate  |
|  # 1BD0        ANDV       Direct     |
|  # 1BD1        BITV       Direct     |
|  # 1BD2        EORV       Direct     |
|  # 1BD3        ORV        Direct     |
|  # 1BD8        MULOU      Direct     |
|  # 1BD9        MULO       Direct     |
|  # 1BDD        ADCQ       Direct     |
|  # 1BDE        CMPQ       Direct     |
|  # 1BDF        ADDQ       Direct     |
|  # 1BE0        ANDV       Indexed    |
|  # 1BE1        BITV       Indexed    |
|  # 1BE2        EORV       Indexed    |
|  # 1BE3        ORV        Indexed    |
|  # 1BE8        MULOU      Indexed    |
|  # 1BE9        MULO       Indexed    |
|  # 1BED        ADCQ       Indexed    |
|  # 1BEE        CMPQ       Indexed    |
|  # 1BEF        ADDQ       Indexed    |
|  # 1BF0        ANDV       Extended   |
|  # 1BF1        BITV       Extended   |
|  # 1BF2        EORV       Extended   |
|  # 1BF3        ORV        Extended   |
|  # 1BF8        MULOU      Extended   |
|  # 1BF9        MULO       Extended   |
|  # 1BFD        ADCQ       Extended   |
|  # 1BFE        CMPQ       Extended   |
|  # 1BFF        ADDQ       Extended   |

FPU contains 16 registers (64 bits) from FP1 to FP16
on a stack and can handle 32 or 64 bits float values.
LD/ST pushes or pulls 32 or 64 binary data on level 1.
Stack manipulation are the same instructions used in RPL :
dup, dup2, dupn, drop, drop2, dropn, pick, over, rot,
roll, rolld.

|  # 1800        SETRNE     Immediate  |
|  # 1801        SETRTZ     Immediate  |
|  # 1802        SETRDN     Immediate  |
|  # 1803        SETRUP     Immediate  |
|  # 1804        SETRMM     Immediate  |
|  # 1805        SETDYN     Immediate  |

|  # 1810        PSHSFP     Immediate  |
|  # 1811        PSHUFP     Immediate  |
|  # 1812        PULSFP     Immediate  |
|  # 1813        PULUFP     Immediate  |
|  # 1814        TFROFP     Immediate  | DUP stack and transfer O to FP1
|  # 1815        TFRFPO     Immediate  | Tranfer FP1 to O and DROP stack 

|  # 1820        BNV        Relative   | Invalid
|  # 1821        BDZ        Relative   | Division by zero
|  # 1822        BOV        Relative   | Overflow
|  # 1823        BUN        Relative   | Underflow
|  # 1824        BIX        Relative   | Inexact
|  # 1825        BFT        Relative   | Branch if float result is true
|  # 1826        BFF        Relative   | Branch if float result is false
|  # 1828        LBNV       Relative   |
|  # 1829        LBDZ       Relative   |
|  # 182A        LBOV       Relative   |
|  # 182B        LBUN       Relative   |
|  # 182C        LBIX       Relative   |
|  # 182D        LBFT       Relative   |
|  # 182E        LBFF       Relative   |

|  # 1834        CVTOI2D    Inherent   | Convert signed integer (64 bits) to double
|  # 1835        CVTOU2D    Inherent   | Convert unsigned integer (64 bits) to double
|  # 1836        CVTOI2S    Inherent   | Convert signed integer (64 bits) to float
|  # 1837        CVTOU2S    Inherent   | Convert unsigned integer (64 bits) to float
|  # 1838        CVTS2OI    Inherent   | Convert float to signed integer (64 bits)
|  # 1839        CVTS2OU    Inherent   | Convert float to unsigned integer (64 bits)
|  # 183A        CVTD2OI    Inherent   | Convert double to signed integer (64 bits)
|  # 183B        CVTD2OU    Inherent   | Convert double to unsigned integer (64 bits)
|  # 1880        LDSFP      Immediate  | Load FP1 (32 bits)
|  # 1881        LDDFP      Immediate  | Load FP1 (64 bits)

|  # 1890        LDSFP      Direct     |
|  # 1891        LDDFP      Direct     |
|  # 1892        STSFP      Direct     | Store FP1 (32 bits)
|  # 1893        STDFP      Direct     | Store FP1 (64 bits)

|  # 18A0        LDSFP      Indexed    |
|  # 18A1        LDDFP      Indexed    |
|  # 18A2        STSFP      Indexed    |
|  # 18A3        STDFP      Indexed    |

|  # 18B0        LDSFP      Extended   |
|  # 18B1        LDDFP      Extended   |
|  # 18B2        STSFP      Extended   |
|  # 18B3        STDFP      Extended   |

|  # 18C0        CVTD2S     Inherent   | Convert double to float
|  # 18C1        CVTS2D     Inherent   | Convert float to double
|  # 18C4        CVTI2D     Inherent   | Convert signed integer (32 bits) to double
|  # 18C5        CVTU2D     Inherent   | Convert unsigned integer (32 bits) to double
|  # 18C6        CVTI2S     Inherent   | Convert signed integer (32 bits) to float
|  # 18C7        CVTU2S     Inherent   | Convert unsigned integer (32 bits) to float
|  # 18C8        CVTS2I     Inherent   | Convert float to signed integer (32 bits)
|  # 18C9        CVTS2U     Inherent   | Convert float to unsigned integer (32 bits)
|  # 18CA        CVTD2I     Inherent   | Convert double to signed integer (32 bits)
|  # 18CB        CVTD2U     Inherent   | Convert double to unsigned integer (32 bits)

|  # 18D0        DROPFP     Inherent   |
|  # 18D1        DROP2FP    Inherent   |
|  # 18D2        DUPFP      Inherent   |
|  # 18D3        DUP2FP     Inherent   |
|  # 18D4        SWAPFP     Inherent   |
|  # 18D5        OVERFP     Inherent   |
|  # 18D6        ROTFP      Inherent   |
|  # 18D7        DUPNFP     Immediate  |
|  # 18D8        DROPNFP    Immediate  |
|  # 18D9        ROLLFP     Immediate  |
|  # 18DA        ROLLDFP    Immediate  |
|  # 18DB        PICKFP     Immediate  |
|  # 18DC        CLRFP      Inherent   |

    +, -, *, / : FP2 operation FP1
    FSGNJ FP2 with sign of FP1

    FMADDS : FP3 * FP2 + FP1
    FMSUBS : FP3 * FP2 - FP1
    FNMADDS : - FP3 * FP2 + FP1
    FNMSUBS : - FP3 * FP2 - FP1
    FCMP returns result in FP1, not in FPU flags register.
    FCMP called with SETRDN : equal
    FCMP called with SETRTZ : less than
    FCMP called with SETRNE : less or equal
    FCLASS :
Bit 0   rs1 is -inf.
Bit 1   rs1 is a negative normal number.
Bit 2   rs1 is a negative subnormal number.
Bit 3   rs1 is -0.
Bit 4   rs1 is +0.
Bit 5   rs1 is a positive subnormal number.
Bit 6   rs1 is a positive normal number.
Bit 7   rs1 is +inf
Bit 8   rs1 is a signaling NaN.
Bit 9   rs1 is a quiet NaN.  <= No mathematical exception

|  # 18E0        FMADDS     Inherent   |
|  # 18E1        FMSUBS     Inherent   |
|  # 18E2        FNMADDS    Inherent   |
|  # 18E3        FNMSUBS    Inherent   |
|  # 18E4        FADDS      Inherent   |
|  # 18E5        FSUBS      Inherent   |
|  # 18E6        FMULS      Inherent   |
|  # 18E7        FDIVS      Inherent   |
|  # 18E8        FSQRTS     Inherent   |
|  # 18E9        FSNGJS     Inherent   |
|  # 18EA        FCMPS      Inherent   |
|  # 18EB        FMAXS      Inherent   |
|  # 18EC        FCLASSS    Inherent   |

|  # 18F0        FMADDD     Inherent   |
|  # 18F1        FMSUBD     Inherent   |
|  # 18F2        FNMADDD    Inherent   |
|  # 18F3        FNMSUBD    Inherent   |
|  # 18F4        FADDD      Inherent   |
|  # 18F5        FSUBD      Inherent   |
|  # 18F6        FMULD      Inherent   |
|  # 18F7        FDIVD      Inherent   |
|  # 18F8        FSQRTD     Inherent   |
|  # 18F9        FSNGJD     Inherent   |
|  # 18FA        FCMPD      Inherent   |
|  # 18FB        FMAXD      Inherent   |
|  # 18FC        FCLASSD    Inherent   |